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Spencam Sanitation - A new clean ground breaking for a tomorrow world

Proper sanitation facilities (for example, toilets and latrines) promote health because they allow people to dispose of their waste appropriately, preventing contamination of their environment and reducing risk to themselves and their neighbors. At Spencam Sanitation Service proper sewage disposal using today's modern technological advacement is what we are into.

We partner with water utilities, national and international institutions, to ensure the safe, reliable, equitable and efficient supply and service delivery of water and sanitation. We do this through innovative pilot projects, international frameworks, and advocacy to improve regulation and policy, including the implementation of today's modern sewage system we have implemented.

Our global sanitation guidance strategies...

Sustainable sanitation solutions for our communities has the potential to solve a range of social and environmental challenges. But together can do more and have it implemented in developed areas as a more sustainable practice compared to the classical sewage system.

This strategies and approaches has been established through a strong partnership with other local institutions. These partnerships have attracted strong alliance from a range of national and international and private institutions. Our research and implementation to achieving this covers different areas of study, from the technical aspects of the toilets and waste disposal to the social and cultural context.

The beautiful clean environment we foresee...

We aim to provide affordable, hygienic and low-water consumption sanitation toilet systems that will not rely on connections to the sewage and electric grid.

This phases and the strategies around this, is targeting sanitation technology solutions on a large scale. One remarkable example is the construction of a large scale processing plant to power all sanitation activities, for the disposal of the faecal sludge to obtain potable water, electricity and fertiliser.

Other efforts being made include:

  • Upgrading toilet prototype facilities and technologies
  • Design centered for water sector sustainability and persistence.
  • Water Productivity and Irrigation
  • Water and Natural Resources Management
  • Securing Water Access for the Future
  • Ensuite Deployed Public bathrooms
  • Standardising laboratory methods in research
  • Irrigation technological Projects In communities
  • And many more...
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